My body as a Commodity

KWP production


  • 19.08 > 06.09.2024
  • 15.04 > 27.04.2024
  • 11.03 > 23.03.2024
  • 12.06 > 30.06.2023
  • 02.05 > 05.05.2023
  • 18.04 > 21.04.2023

your trau­ma has a beat 

My Body as a Commodity is a sul­try musi­cal trip that explo­res the boun­da­ries of fic­ti­on. Under high-ener­gy live per­cus­si­on, the­a­tre-maker Anne-Laure Vandeputte explo­res in what nar­ra­ti­ves our bodies are inscri­bed — con­scious­ly or not.

She meets a direc­tor who wants to talk about strong women.
She meets a man who won­ders if he appe­ars in the show.
She meets a sex wor­ker in Berlin and bombs her as her own per­so­nal jesus.

Together with musi­cian Andrew van Ostade, Vandeputte per­forms a mono­lo­gue-on-beats that ques­ti­ons and chal­len­ges the nar­ra­ti­ve about phy­si­cal trauma.

trig­ger warning: the­re may be sexu­al vio­len­ce
trig­ger warning: whe­re there’s pain there’s a party

con­cept & text Anne-Laure Vandeputte I per­for­man­ce Anne-Laure Vandeputte & Andrew Van Ostade I music Andrew Van Ostade & Anne-Laure Vandeputte I tex­tu­al dra­ma­tur­gy Purni Morell I final direc­ti­on Lisa Verbelen I light design Caroline Mathieu I sce­no­gra­phy Gilles Pollak I cos­tu­me design Sam de Mol I sound design Korneel Moreaux I tech­ni­que Gilles Pollak I pic­tu­re Lucinde Wahlen I grap­hic design Evi Peeters I pro­duc­ti­on KWP Kunstenwerkplaats I copro­duc­ti­on KAAP, C‑mine and Monty I sup­por­ted by Kaaitheater, School van Gaasbeek, Flemish Government and VGC I thanks to Chiqui Love, Evi Cats, Louise Van den Eede, Maya Dhondt and Gouvernement