KWP production

Between 1960 and 1980, my father and his two bro­thers were mem­bers of the Edelweiss Speleology Group. This group explo­red the Ojo Guereña cave in nor­thern of Spain, one of the lar­gest caves in the world.

The bro­thers, born in the con­ser­va­ti­ve town of Burgos just after the Spanish Civil War, found a way to esca­pe the pover­ty and iso­la­ti­on of life under the Franco dic­ta­tor­ship. Leading paral­lel lives, they wor­ked in offi­ces or fac­to­ries during the week, see­min­gly free, but in rea­li­ty oppres­sed, and in their free time, they dis­co­ver­ed caves. Beneath the earth, they found the free­dom that they mis­sed abo­ve ground.

LIGHT YEARS AWAY exa­mi­nes caves as a living spa­ce. I’m inte­rested in the indi­vi­du­al and col­lec­ti­ve per­cep­ti­on of such spa­ces: a mini­mal archi­tec­tu­re popu­la­ted by dis­co­verers, pre­his­to­ric peo­p­les, ani­mals and tou­rists. The cave is more­over a men­tal world that is the pro­duct of our col­lec­ti­ve ima­gi­ning of under­ground spa­ces and darkness.

LIGHT YEARS AWAY is a visit gui­ded by spe­le­o­lo­gists into the dark­ness of the the­a­ter. This is a film out of the screen, a docu­men­ta­ry wit­hout faces, a per­for­man­ce illu­mi­na­ted by a torch. Immerse yourself in this dark­ness. Try to look, wit­hout real­ly being able to see. Listen and enga­ge your imagination.

Concept and per­for­man­ce: Edurne Rubio I Sound: David Elchardus I Camera: Alvaro Alonso de Armiño, Gregorio Méndez & Sergi Gras I Editing: Edurne Rubio I Artistic advi­ce: María Jerez, Loreto Martinez Troncoso, Jan De Coster, Didier Demorcy I Technique: Gregor Van Mulders & David Elchardus I With the spe­lun­kers: Teresiano Antón, Miguel Angel del Alamo, Fernando Javier Benito, Fortunato Lázaro, Ana Isabel Ortega, Pedro Plana, Miguel Ángel Martín , Pablo Martín, Fernando del Río, Elías Rubio, Eliseo Rubio, Gabriel Rubio, Palmira Rubio, Francisco Ruiz and Carmen Vadillo I Production: Kunstenwerkplaats I Co-pro­duc­ti­on: Beursschouwburg, Kunstencetrum BUDA I Support: Vlaams Gemeenschap; Vlaams Gemeenschapscommissie; Grupo de Espeleología Edelweiss; Monumento Natural de Ojo Guareña Burgos de la red de Espacios Naturales de la Junta de Castilla y León; Fundación de Patrimonio Natural de Castilla y León; Netwerk, cen­trum voor heden­daag­se kunst; Espacio Tangente; What is third”, Casa Encendida I Thanks to: Christophe Albertijn, Saray Alonso, Damna Barredo, Mathilde Besson, Ana Buitrago, Yann Betant, Charo Calvo, Geni Diez, Eric Dewamme, Caroline Daish, Ivan Jadin, Sara Manente, Mayte Martinez, Ana Belén Palacios, Irene Rojas, Maxime Vertruyssen, Paul Xhaard, Groupe de Recherches Spéléologiques de Comblain-au-Pont, L’atelier AP BAC 3 de l’Erg and AD HOC sound Services I Language ver­si­ons: Spanish / English / French I English trans­la­ti­on: Alex Reynolds/​French trans­la­ti­on: Amaia Urra