KWP production


  • 18.09 > 30.09.2023
  • 04.09 > 08.09.2023
  • 28.02 > 24.03.2023
  • 11.10 > 17.10.2021
  • 16.08 > 29.08.2021
  • 15.02 > 21.02.2021


Wandering through the realms of hyper-the­ra­py, soap-illu­si­ons and psy­cho­lo­gi­cal pro­jec­ti­ons a group of peo­p­le redis­co­vers the beau­ty of encoun­ter. Going beyond the smooth situ­a­ti­on of staying sepa­ra­ted they enjoy the dyna­mic of giving and taking bet­ween oppo­si­te for­ces which want to meet. Sustaining con­flic­ting ener­gies instead of avoi­ding, they explo­re fric­ti­on as a prac­ti­ce of transformation.

In a playground of bio­grap­hies, a tur­moil of thoughts, desi­res, fears, and com­pul­si­ve acti­ons appear, cre­a­ted by bodies, who are con­di­ti­o­ned by nar­ra­ti­ves, we pro­ject on our­sel­ves or on others. Do we real­ly meet when we mir­ror our­sel­ves in the other?

Sophia Rodriguez explo­res with her per­for­mers the act of fric­ti­on as a stra­te­gy to get rid of psy­cho­lo­gi­cal and cul­tu­ral gar­ba­ge that limits us to con­nect with each other. Friction beco­mes a deli­be­ra­te­ly cho­sen act of rub­bing pro­jec­ti­ons, beliefs and iden­ti­ties against each other as if they are pie­ces of dry dead wood. Sustaining this rub­bing of unbrid­ge­a­ble dif­fe­ren­ces cre­a­tes an enor­mous heat in our minds and bodies, it will burn down our pro­tec­ti­on shields, for sure liquid will reap­pear in our way of thin­king, a vita­li­sing wet­ness of unknown visi­ons and desi­res, a flui­di­ty that dest­roys our com­fort zone made by the nar­ra­ti­ves we told our­sel­ves. Can we adapt to what is bene­fi­ci­al for that moment of con­nec­ti­on, and not what is bene­fi­ci­al to who we think we must be. 

In FRICTION we play with rubbing/​flipping dif­fe­rent atmos­p­he­res of con­nec­ting. Treasure diving in bet­ween the deep, the super­fi­ci­al, the arti­fi­ci­al, the natu­ral, the sen­ti­men­tal, the intel­lec­tu­al, the inti­ma­te, the opi­ni­o­na­ted. No qua­li­ty can be exclu­ded to gli­de along.

Concept: Sophia Rodriguez I Text is cre­a­ted by the per­for­mers I Performers: Anna Franziska Jäger, Vincent Focquet, Simon Van Schuylenbergh, Robert Steijn, Martina Calvo, Sophia Rodriguez I Dramaturgy: Robert Steijn I Outside eye: Meg Stuart & Louise Van den Eede I Costume design and props: Sofie Durnez I Scenography: Sofie Durnez, Sophia Rodriguez I Music: Gašper Piano I Voices and song let­ters: Kalé Rodriguez Goldberg, Simone Rodriguez Goldberg, Audra Runnels, Azul Belmar en Violeta Belmar I Sound design: Korneel Moreaux I Light design: Jan Maertens I Animation/​GIF & dra­wings: Martina Calvo I Pole dan­ce advi­ce: Majo Cazares I Production: KWP Kunstenwerk­plaats I Co-pro­duc­ti­on: Toneelhuis, VIERNULVIER & BUDA I With the sup­port of The Flemish Community, the Flemish Community Commission, Taxshelter, De Grote Post, Kaaitheater & NEXT Festival I Thanks to Micha Goldberg, Mary Gloria Pacheco, Benjamin Vandewalle, Marie Umuhoza, Jozef Wouters, Benjamin Abel Meirhaeghe, Julia Reist, Eevi Kinnunen, Helena Araujo, Rosie Sommers, Lazará Rosell Albear, Horacio Macuacua, Oneka von Schrader, Thomas Proksch & Tim Coenen.