DISQUIET — sen­sa­ti­o­nal aes­the­tics of a technokin

KWP production


  • 20.01 > 21.01.2023
  • 30.08 > 05.09.2021
  • 19.04 > 25.04.2021
  • 09.11 > 29.11.2020
  • 07.09 > 20.09.2020

DISQUIET digs in to the ten­den­cies for dis­rup­ti­on and dysto­pia that per­me­a­te trough some of the dif­fe­rent sub­gen­res of hard­co­re tech­no like gab­ber, hards­ty­le, jun­gle and drum n bass, with a spe­ci­al atten­ti­on to the lat­ter. All the­se sounds are mar­ked by an inten­si­fied bass and drum, a mini­mum speed of 160 BPM and a ten­d­en­cy for dis­rup­ti­on of the flow. 

Focussing on the­se sonic rup­tu­res, pau­ses and bursts, DISQUIET explo­res how they can inform and sti­mu­la­te the body. Dancing hard­co­re is pre­sen­ted as a break from struc­tu­re, loo­king for a dis­qui­e­ted elsewhere.

con­cept, cho­re­o­grap­hy, per­for­man­ce Lisa Vereertbrugghen | sound Michael Langeder | light Vera Martins | artis­tic advi­ce Madison Bycroft | con­struc­ti­on of sce­no­grap­hy Ian Gyselinck & Simon van Parys | foto Maud Samaha | pro­duc­ti­on KUNSTENWERKPLAATS | co-pro­duc­ti­on December Dance (Cultuurcentrum & Concertgebouw Brugge), STUK arts cen­tre, CAMPO & Bit-tea­ter­ga­rasjen | with the sup­port of Beursschouwburg, BUDA, Workshop Foundation, National Cultural Fund of Hungary & Workspace Brussels | with the finan­ci­al sup­port of the Flemish govern­ment, Life Long Burning & the Creative Europe Programme van de Europese Unie