
Azad was the name of Lila Magnin’s gre­at-grand­mo­ther. The word also means free. In this solo, Lila explo­res the com­plexi­ties of femi­ni­ni­ty in a world that does not under­stand all the issues. Couldn’t this body, which is con­stant­ly refer­red to as a bur­den, actu­al­ly hide a sour­ce of power? Perhaps it is beyond the phy­si­cal body that this power lies? In an in-bet­ween, bet­ween mas­cu­li­ne and femi­ni­ne, whe­re the tracks are blur­red, con­fu­sed and dif­fe­rent­ly qualified?

Azad is com­po­sed of a per­so­nal gestu­re that swit­ches from one form to ano­ther, from one ener­gy to ano­ther, from one sta­te to ano­ther. From vog­uing to break dan­ce, from Bharata Natyam to hip hop, from stand-up to street show, from gra­vi­ty to lightness. It is a human sto­ry beyond gender. 

cre­a­ti­on, cho­re­o­grap­her & inter­pre­ta­ti­on Lila Magnin | con­tri­bu­tors Claudia Bruno, Mercedes Dassy, Annlydie Groenen, Moya Michael, Stanley Ollivier, Jeanne Sauvat, Lorena Spindler | cos­tu­mes Aniyora Vegter | music Lila Magnin | ligh­ting Florentin Crouzet-Nico | dis­tri­bu­ti­on & mana­ge­ment Camille Philippot/​Get Down-Dancers Management | co-pro­duc­ti­on KVS, Mars — Mons Arts de la Scène | with the sup­port of GC Essegem, wp Zimmer, CC Jacques Franck, BAMP, Mestizo Arts Platform (WIPCOOP), Kopergietery

© Karolina Maruszak