a pul­se with no body a sun with no sky


  • 23.09 > 28.09.2024

a pul­se with no body a sun with no sky is the new instal­la­ti­on for the the­a­ter spa­ce of Ezra Veldhuis & Bosse Provoost. As in their pre­vious pro­jects SUN-SET (2020), Indoor Weather (2021) and All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace (2023), they evo­ke a world with its own cos­mo­lo­gy, con­struc­ted from light, sound and scenography.

In a pul­se with no body a sun with no sky, Bosse and Ezra cre­a­te a zone in which spec­ta­tors are invi­ted to let go of eve­ry­day modes of loo­king and thin­king and open them­sel­ves to stran­ge, unsus­pec­ted con­nec­ti­ons and affec­ti­ons bet­ween pat­ches of light, pat­ches of sound, bodies and devi­ces. Spectators are sea­ted on sta­ge, which is span­ned by an arc of light. A voi­ce speaks and spe­cu­la­tes about the sen­so­ry capa­ci­ties and dreams of ani­mals, from spon­ges to rats. For des­pi­te our dif­fe­ren­ces, we rhy­me biochemically. 

Creation: Benjamin Cools, Ezra Veldhuis, Bosse Provoost I Technic: Wim Bernaers, Kato Ooms I Production: Hiros I Co-pro­duc­ti­on: Playground (STUK & M, Leuven) I Support: Campo, Cement Festival, De Auteurs, Kunstenwerkplaats, Flemish Government

Photo Credit: Mathieu Serruys