Portret Bosse Ezra Yvan Mahieu Viraal De Grote Post Yvan Mahieu

Ezra Veldhuis & Bosse Provoost

Ezra Veldhuis and Bosse Provoost have been making per­for­man­ces together at the inter­sec­ti­on of per­for­man­ce and instal­la­ti­on art sin­ce 2018

With light shifts, sound snip­pets and silen­ces, they com­po­se ever-chan­ging spa­ces. Performers some­ti­mes remain com­ple­te­ly absent, or are about to be absor­bed by the­se envi­ron­ments. In that same twi­light zone bet­ween pre­sen­ce and absen­ce, non- or semi-human figu­res also pass by.

In the past years, they have cre­a­ted the per­for­man­ces Matisklo (2018), SUN-SET (2020) and Indoor Weather (2021) at Toneelhuis. Their new show All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace will pre­mie­re in October 2023.

Read more about their work on their web­si­te.