
  • 06.01 > 18.01.2025

Departing from the idea of the­a­ter as a tool for depic­ting and influ­en­cing noti­ons of rea­li­ty, Rodrigo’s latest research reflects upon an assu­med con­tem­po­ra­ry rea­li­ty (or rea­lism), born from the Post-Modern Era, which has evol­ved over the past six deca­des under the sway of the Neoliberal Regime and the mis­lea­ding pro­mi­ses of free mar­ket, indi­vi­du­al sub­jec­ti­vi­ty, and pri­va­ti­za­ti­on of life, lea­ving us with a lands­ca­pe mar­ked by col­lec­ti­ve hal­lu­ci­na­ti­ons that chal­len­ge esta­blis­hed under­stan­ding of truth, cas­ting a per­va­si­ve sha­dow of doubt on our col­lec­ti­ve beliefs. In this con­text, the pro­ject metap­ho­ri­zes that in our illuso­ry world of neo­li­be­ral free­dom,” we are all kid­nap­ped. Kidnapped by ide­o­lo­gies, iden­ti­ties, tech­no­lo­gies, poli­ti­cal sys­tems, pre­da­to­ry rela­ti­ons­hips, capi­tal, struc­tu­ral ine­qua­li­ties… In other words, we are kid­nap­ped by the root­ed sub­con­scious of colo­ni­a­lism and capi­ta­lism, cau­ght bet­ween the con­cre­te – and dai­ly – absur­di­ty of glo­ba­li­zed macro-poli­tics and the abstract – often eli­tist – desi­re for solu­ti­ons in the micro­po­li­ti­cal realm.

Concept: Rodrigo Batista in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Mariana Senne I Performers: Mariana Senne & Rodrigo Batista I Collaboration in video: Kathleen Kunath I Collaboration in text: Luiz Pimentel I Collaboration in sound: Cainã Vidor I Residencies/​Work in pro­cess: Studio Alta (Prague), WPZimmer (Antwerp), workspa­ce­brus­sels (Brussels), Mestizo Arts Platform / WIPCOOP, De Brakke Grond, Campo, Proximamente Festival/​KVS, Kunstenwerkplaats

© Victoriano Moreno