A1 Rodrigo Batista Roberta Segata

Rodrigo Batista

Rodrigo Batista is a Brazilian the­a­ter direc­tor, actor, and tea­cher based bet­ween The Netherlands and Belgium. He holds two Master’s Degrees, one in Theater Directing at the University of São Paulo (2015) and ano­ther at DAS Theater Amsterdam (2019), adding a Bachelor’s Degree as a Theater Director at the University of São Paulo (2009).

Since 2007 Rodrigo has offe­red the­a­ter research mixed with phi­lo­sop­hy, poli­tics, cine­ma, and dan­ce, having won seve­r­al pri­zes and fun­dings in Brazil and sup­por­ted by Institutions in The Netherlands and Belgium. Lately, he wor­ked as a guest tea­cher for the Drama Department of Antwerp Conservatorium and at KASK. Rodrigo pre­sen­ted works in Brazil, Colombia, México, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, the Czech Republic, and Bulgaria. 

At the core of his work is the impor­tan­ce of per­for­ming poli­ti­cal sta­te­ments, direct and expli­cit mes­sa­ges addres­sed to the cur­rent world poli­tics, in other words, Rodrigo has devo­t­ed his prac­ti­ce in trying to read the here” and now”, and to trans­la­te it into the­a­ter form.

© Roberta Segata