Rodrigo Batista
Rodrigo Batista is a Brazilian theater director, actor, and teacher based between The Netherlands and Belgium. He holds two Master’s Degrees, one in Theater Directing at the University of São Paulo (2015) and another at DAS Theater Amsterdam (2019), adding a Bachelor’s Degree as a Theater Director at the University of São Paulo (2009).
Since 2007 Rodrigo has offered theater research mixed with philosophy, politics, cinema, and dance, having won several prizes and fundings in Brazil and supported by Institutions in The Netherlands and Belgium. Lately, he worked as a guest teacher for the Drama Department of Antwerp Conservatorium and at KASK. Rodrigo presented works in Brazil, Colombia, México, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, the Czech Republic, and Bulgaria.
At the core of his work is the importance of performing political statements, direct and explicit messages addressed to the current world politics, in other words, Rodrigo has devoted his practice in trying to read the “here” and “now”, and to translate it into theater form.
© Roberta Segata