Schermafbeelding 2023 12 19 om 13 06 50

KWP artists Marieke&Sophia performing Guilty of Love in KVS - extra date!


In Guilty of Love, Marie Schraepen, Sophia Bauer and Mats Vandroogenbroeck inves­ti­ga­te the over­load of sexu­al vio­len­ce in our com­mon cul­tu­ral imagination.

The moti­ve of the dead, raped women is espe­ci­al­ly pre­va­lent: as a desi­re, as a mon­ster, as a sacri­fi­ce. In con­stant­ly chan­ging roles, the actors attempt to get a grip on the per­sis­tent natu­re of this ima­ge. Popular ima­gi­na­ti­ons cross over each other. A tes­ti­mo­ny clas­hes with soap dia­lo­gue and YouTube re- enac­ting videos in the search for an ade­qua­te lan­gu­a­ge that trans­cends the cli­ches of this theme.

January 17 and 18 in KVS. More info here!

The 22nd of February, Marieke&Sophia pre­mie­re at Monty in Antwerp with their newest cre­a­ti­on, Motherbaby, in which they sing of the mother-child bond in all its con­tra­dic­to­ry facets. They take you into the twi­light zone bet­ween love and aggression.