Enkidu khaled joachim robbrecht tank tink one lightbox

KWP artist Samah Hijawi is joining TANK TINK / ONE by Enkidu Khaled and Joachim Robbrecht!


In TANK TINK / ONE Enkidu & Joachim explo­re the devasta­ting impact of war on the envi­ron­ment and brain­storm on pos­si­ble coun­ter­me­a­su­res. They coun­ter this hor­ror with ima­ges of sati­re, des­pair and resis­tan­ce, together with per­for­mers Ogutu Muraya & Caroline Ngorobi, wri­ter Chris Keulemans and artist Samah Hijawi.

17.01.2024 I De Balie in col­lab with De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam

Tickets via De Balie.