KWP production


  • 08.01 > 20.01.2024
  • 26.09 > 01.10.2022

The impact and disas­trous con­se­quen­ces of war remain a pain­ful and often under­ex­po­sed topic in the deba­te on glo­bal war­ming. Access to raw mate­ri­als is often the root cau­se of con­flict and eco­lo­gi­cal war­fa­re, such as the drai­ning of rivers, is incre­a­sin­gly used as an instru­ment of vio­len­ce. Military exer­ci­ses and ope­ra­ti­ons was­te enor­mous amounts of ener­gy and lea­ve behind hal­lu­ci­na­to­ry amounts of debris.

It is both cyni­cal and iro­nic but some exer­ci­se are­as and war zones are so pol­lu­ted that no one is allo­wed to enter them. They are instead decla­red natu­re zones whe­re natu­re is given free rein and can heal. The war in Ukraine also puts vio­len­ce for­cing govern­ments to stri­ve to make our ener­gy sour­ces more sustai­na­ble on the agenda.

Enkidu Khaled and Joachim Robbrecht will clo­se the eve­ning at Ecopolis with the pre­mie­re of TANK TINK / ONE. They have hij­ack­ed the for­mat of the cre­a­ti­ve think tank’ from its ori­gi­nal mili­ta­ry con­text. Along with artists, jour­na­lists and acti­vists from dif­fe­rent cor­ners of the world, they exa­mi­ne the rela­ti­ons­hip bet­ween war­fa­re and envi­ron­men­tal cri­ses in a hybrid and polypho­nic lecture-performance.

con­cept Enkidu Khaled en Joachim Robbrecht | van en met Sara Dziri, Chris Keulemans, Anika Schwarzlose, Caroline Ngorobi, Ogutu Muraya, Brian McKenna en Joachim Robbrecht, Enkidu Khaled | pro­duc­tie KWP Kunstenwerkplaats, VGC | copro­duc­tie Kaaitheater, Theater Rotterdam, Monty