Schermafbeelding 2023 03 03 om 11 42 20

Globe Aroma invites Samah Hijawi for two writing workshops


Globe Aroma is an artis­tic work and mee­ting pla­ce in Brussels, offe­ring sup­port and a net­work to artists, cre­a­tors and art lovers from new­co­mer back­grounds. Kunstenwerk­plaats col­la­bo­ra­tes struc­tu­ral­ly with Globe Aroma. 

KWP artist, chef and astro­lo­ger Samah Hijawi was invi­ted to give two wri­ting work­shops this month: The kit­chen as a pla­ce of resis­tan­ce” and Ode to plants.” Globe Aroma is hos­ting a series of wri­ting work­shops in June and July, Writing to make it hap­pen, around dif­fe­rent wri­ting prac­ti­ces, futu­ro­lo­gist appro­a­ches, and socio-poli­ti­cal topics.

With her long-term pro­ject Kitchen.Table, Samah explo­res diver­se culi­na­ry his­to­ries and cul­tu­res to bet­ter under­stand how they influ­en­ce our cur­rent food poli­tics. Using the basic ingre­dients of the Mediterranean spi­ce mix­tu­re Za’atar as a star­ting point, she del­ves into various food cul­tu­res, inclu­ding our spi­ri­tu­al and mytho­lo­gi­cal con­nec­ti­ons to food, and rela­tes them to con­tem­po­ra­ry food cul­tu­res in cities.