Portret renecc81e1

Renée Goethijn

Renée Goethijn (° 1987) trai­ned as a maker at Ritcs in Brussels, whe­re her artis­tic prac­ti­ce has evol­ved through a blend of indi­vi­du­al explo­ra­ti­on and diver­se col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons. Renée is known for cre­a­ting visu­al­ly stri­king, absurd per­for­man­ces that cri­ti­cally enga­ge with socie­tal the­mes, often with sce­no­grap­hy playing a pivo­tal role.

Her nota­ble works inclu­de Reconstruction of the Day I Left (2014, KcNona), No Use for Binoculars (2015, KWP), Totally (2017, KWP & Monty), and MANNAHATTA (2022, KWP). In 2014, Renée co-foun­ded the Koekelberg Alliance of Tinkerers (K.A.K.), a col­lec­ti­ve of 16 the­a­tre-makers explo­ring alter­na­ti­ve forms of encoun­ter, orga­ni­za­ti­on, and pre­sen­ta­ti­on. With K.A.K., she has pro­du­ced works such as Office de Tourisme/​Agence de Voyage (2016), Life, Death and Television (2018), Snøw (2019), and The Unheard (2020).

Renée fre­quent­ly col­la­bo­ra­tes with other com­pa­nies as a direc­tor, with cre­dits inclu­ding Mise en pla­ce (Cie Barbarie, Het Paleis, Bronks, Kopergietery, 2021), Wezen (Fabuleus & Action Zoo Humain, 2023), Studio Shehrazade (Kloppend Hert & Arsenaal, 2018), What the God (For Real VZW, 2021), Spring Awakening (Wolf Wolf, 2022), Spindle (Oona Libens & KWP, 2022), Jackie (Lien Wildemeersch & Theater Malpertuis, 2023), De Puberfluisteraar (Sanderijn Helsen & De Studio, 2023), Piéton (Kenneth Berth, Het Nieuwstedelijk & De Spil, 2024), Residu (Menzo Kircz and Eleonore Van Godtsenhoven, 2024), and Oh Deer (Gina Beuk & Bronks, 2024).

In col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Katinka De Jonge, she cre­a­ted the par­ti­ci­pa­to­ry per­for­man­ce Soep Opera (2022, in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Openbare Werken and Viernulvier). Additionally, Renée is a regu­lar men­tor for Jong Gewei/​Kloppend Hert and ser­ves as a tea­cher and co-direc­tor in the Drama Directing/​Acting pro­gram at Ritcs School of Arts.