
David Roos

David Roos (Amsterdam, 2000) gra­du­a­ted as an actor from the Toneelacademie Maastricht in 2022. Since then, he has been based in Brussels. From the age of 14, he has play­ed at Internationaal Theater Amsterdam, inclu­ding in pro­duc­ti­ons by Simon Stone and Ivo van Hove. Later, he did an internship at the Toneelschuur and wor­ked with Ontroerend Goed. With Tabor Idema, he for­med a maker duo that cre­a­ted visu­al-absur­dist per­for­man­ces and play­ed at Frascati and Love At First Sight, among others. He is also a mem­ber of the Amsterdam col­lec­ti­ve Schwung. 

His own work is lin­guis­tic and phi­lo­so­p­hi­cal. Drawing from the litera­ry and artis­tic canon, he con­nects and decon­structs clas­si­cal sour­ces to arri­ve at a per­so­nal and con­tem­po­ra­ry sto­ry. His sty­le is transpa­rent, in the tra­di­ti­on of groups like Maatschappij Discordia. From that transpa­ren­cy, he tries to cre­a­te a trans­cen­dent the­a­tri­cal expe­rien­ce. Recurring the­mes are lan­gu­a­ge and mea­ning, nos­tal­gia, appe­a­ran­ce and rea­li­ty, the Holocaust and iden­ti­ty. Always he is in search of a radi­cal ques­ti­o­ning of one’s own certainty. 

In sea­son 23 – 24, he plays in Funeral by Ontroerend Goed„ Nog een toneel­stuk in het heel­al by TG Meffert, Hassan en Moos by the Toneelmakerij. Right now he’s wor­king on a solo per­for­man­ce, whi­le also stu­dying philosophy.