Yetu — deco®lonial


  • 06.03 > 17.03.2023

In Yetu — deco®lonial, an inter­dis­ci­pli­na­ry group (Esther Mugambi, Emmanuelle Nsunda, Nizar Saleh, Sarah van Lamsweerde, Emily Hardick, Lambick Meli, Edmond Musasa) recon­tex­tu­a­li­zes the colo­ni­al per­for­man­ce Changwe Yetu through a panel of its decor made by artist Mwenze Kibwanga. Changwe Yetu was com­po­sed of dan­ces and musi­cal acts from Rwandan, Congolese and Burundese artists and tra­ve­led to seve­r­al cities in Congo and Belgium bet­ween 1956 – 59.

Now, in a rever­se tra­ve­lo­gue, the group fol­lows this Mwenze’s panel’s path back to the African con­ti­nent, with stops in the form of cre­a­ti­ve and dis­cur­si­ve resi­den­cies in Brussels, Antwerp and Lubumbashi, rea­ni­ma­ting the set pie­ce with a polypho­nic and deco­lo­ni­al perspective.

YeTu — deco®lonial is a pro­ject ini­ta­ted by Sarah van Lamsweerde. Kindly sup­por­ted by Flanders State of the Arts, Vlaamse Gemeenschapcommissie, ICC Enough Room for Space, Kunstenwerkplaats, Atelier Picha, De Singel, Wetsi Art Gallery. In col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with arp:.