
  • 02.01 > 05.01.2024
  • 18.12 > 22.12.2023

Mentioned as a fact that refers to a spe­ci­fic time, a date is a way of chro­no­lo­gi­zing facts in time. X.DATES explo­res the rela­ti­ons­hip bet­ween time and con­tex­tu­a­li­za­ti­on, inte­gra­ting various medi­ums rela­ted to per­for­ma­ti­vi­ty such as text, sce­no­grap­hic ele­ments, light design, etc. to sta­ge and res­ta­te a date.
Partly repro­duc­ti­on of rea­li­ty, part­ly pro­duc­ti­on of fic­ti­on, the audien­ce is invi­ted to ques­ti­on the degree of abstrac­ti­on within the­se life expe­rien­ces and to visit the past, the pre­sent, and the futu­re as if they could be tre­a­ted in the same way.
Some dates are col­la­ted based on the­ma­tic reso­nan­ce, on chro­no­lo­gi­cal order, whi­le some are uni­ted by their inhe­rent oppo­si­ti­on.
X.DATES is thus ope­ra­ted as a uto­pi­an labo­ra­to­ry high­ligh­ting various exploita­ti­ons of rea­li­ties, rai­sing the fol­lo­wing issue: How to phy­si­ca­li­ze a date?

Concept, per­for­man­ce — Alban OVANESSIAN | Dramaturgy — Rebecka BERCHTOLD | Sound design — Baptiste CAZAUX, Lisa LAURENT | Voice recor­ding, IA — Noam RZEWSKI | Costume design — Remi VERGNANINI | Light design — Remco WUYTS