Under Your Spell

KWP production

In Under Your Spell, 3 witch-like charac­ters try to make their way through a forest. They are hea­ded for a batt­le with the ani­mal. It is a mad trip whe­re forest, ani­mal and their own guts mer­ge in a feve­rish battle.

The 3 women on sta­ge look for con­nec­ti­ons to the figu­re of the witch and magi­cal” prac­ti­ces from per­so­nal reflec­ti­ons to see what repre­sen­ta­ti­ons and prac­ti­ces still reso­na­te today. Is the­re a witch in each of us and what does she look like? If we look at the witch as a sym­bol of resis­tan­ce, how do we resist within this soci­e­ty today? What cus­t­oms and ritu­als do we cling to? See first and then belie­ve, but some­ti­mes don’t we all need to belie­ve a litt­le first to then see?

Under Your Spell is a cre­a­ti­on about eman­ci­pa­ti­on and (fema­le) self-rea­li­za­ti­on — the rea­li­za­ti­on of one­self, but in a not-so-charac­te­ris­tic dress. In the world of thin­king, the world behind the mir­ror, Audrey Apers takes the audien­ce into an unpre­ce­den­ted uni­ver­se whe­re the impos­si­ble lurks. Philosophical mono­lo­gues on human exis­ten­ce are put next to tri­vi­al dia­lo­gues about dai­ly con­cerns. The cos­mic always tra­ver­ses the bana­li­ty of the everyday.

After her high-pro­fi­le gra­du­a­ti­on per­for­man­ce Vulcanize Me, the­a­ter-maker Audrey Apers once again pur­sues fema­le libe­ra­ti­on, and she does so with bur­lesque incre­du­li­ty. Everything is bathed in an aes­the­tic of raw direct­ness, undis­gui­sed antics and com­plex­less je m’en foutism.

Under Your Spell has just finis­hed its research peri­od and will soon show a work-in-progress!

Concept & direc­ti­on: Audrey Apers I Performance: Kaat Arnaert, Nona Zinzi Buhrs, Bibi Van Lieshout & Alia Rifai I Music: Cédric Dambrain I Voice & musi­cal sup­port: Geike Arnaert I Costumes: Giulia Cauti I Technic: Joaquin De Rycke I Dramaturgy: Sara Vanderieck I Scenography: Sofie Durnez I Production: Kunstenwerkplaats I Co-pro­duc­ti­on: Monty, d e t h e a t e r m a k e r, kun­sten­cen­trum BUDA, Theater Arsenaal I with the sup­port of Platform in de Maak, De Grote Post en Pilar.

Collage by Sara Vanderieck
Picture of 3 Women by Jorien Oisna