Slow Experiments


  • 30.05 > 24.06.2023

Slow Experiments is a series of exer­ci­ses through which I attempt ans­we­ring the ques­ti­on: what can help us slo­wing down?”

The ans­wers take the form of short audio tracks that take us on an embo­died jour­ney to slow land.

They are exer­ci­ses for myself in giving sha­pe to my research on how to take visi­tors along in embo­died expe­rien­ces of slow­ness. And they are exer­ci­ses in slo­wing down for whoe­ver will try them out.

In my last cre­a­ti­on, Creatures at rest (2021), three women per­form a prac­ti­ce of slow move­ment, atten­ti­on, and pre­sen­ce on a rota­ting plat­form. This dura­ti­o­nal instal­la­ti­on invi­ted spec­ta­tors to slow down and obser­ve this slow prac­ti­ce from the out­si­de, per­haps slightly hyp­no­ti­zed by the slow turning, the unpre­dic­ta­ble sco­re, and the music. In Slow Experiment, I inves­ti­ga­te how the prac­ti­ce that the per­for­mers embo­dy in Creatures at rest could be tasted and embo­died by visi­tors themselves.

Concept & voi­ce: Alice Van der Wielen-Honinckx I Dramaturgy: Rita Hoofwijk I Residencies: Rez-Gauche, Gouvernement, GC De Markten, La Bellone, Kunstenwerkplaats I With the sup­port of the Flemish government

© Alice Van der Wielen — Honinckx