Re-Claiming Space

KWP production


  • 28.09 > 04.10.2020
  • 10.02.2025

Each eve­ning Khadija El Kharraz Alami invi­tes some­o­ne on sta­ge. A per­for­mer, artist, actor, wri­ter, human being, dan­cer… always a woman. You wit­ness their first mee­ting. Re-clai­ming Space is an explo­ra­ti­on of the spa­ce of woman­hood and how to trans­cend it. In this research-per­for­man­ce, Khadija mani­fests woman­ly beau­ty, vul­ne­ra­bi­li­ty, unheard voi­ces, phy­si­ca­li­ty, and neglec­ted femi­ni­ne per­spec­ti­ves. I’m re-clai­ming spa­ce by sha­ring space.’ 

The explo­ra­ti­on is inspi­red, among other things, by Women Who Run with the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estés and Your Silence Will Not Protect You by Audre Lorde. Khadija’s work pro­cess is charac­te­ri­zed by lea­ving cer­tain things unde­ter­mi­ned, so the per­for­man­ce takes sha­pe onst­a­ge. Re-clai­ming spa­ce is an audien­ce-immer­sed research-per­for­man­ce fra­ming her futu­re sta­ging of The Waves by Virginia Woolf. 

con­cept Khadija El Kharraz Alami | design Rosa Schützendorf | video Julie De Clercq | cos­tu­me Anna Luka da Silva | dra­ma­tur­gi­cal advi­ce Esther Severi | light design Luc Schaltin | tech­ni­ci­an Lies Van Loock | pro­duc­ti­on KWP kun­sten­werk­plaats | copro­duc­ti­on Kaaitheater, Frascati, Productiehuis Theater Rotterdam en NTGent | with the sup­port of the Dutch Embassy and Darna