Re-Claiming Space
- 28.09 > 04.10.2020
- 10.02.2025
Each evening Khadija El Kharraz Alami invites someone on stage. A performer, artist, actor, writer, human being, dancer… always a woman. You witness their first meeting. Re-claiming Space is an exploration of the space of womanhood and how to transcend it. In this research-performance, Khadija manifests womanly beauty, vulnerability, unheard voices, physicality, and neglected feminine perspectives. ’I’m re-claiming space by sharing space.’
The exploration is inspired, among other things, by Women Who Run with the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estés and Your Silence Will Not Protect You by Audre Lorde. Khadija’s work process is characterized by leaving certain things undetermined, so the performance takes shape onstage. Re-claiming space is an audience-immersed research-performance framing her future staging of The Waves by Virginia Woolf.
concept Khadija El Kharraz Alami | design Rosa Schützendorf | video Julie De Clercq | costume Anna Luka da Silva | dramaturgical advice Esther Severi | light design Luc Schaltin | technician Lies Van Loock | production KWP kunstenwerkplaats | coproduction Kaaitheater, Frascati, Productiehuis Theater Rotterdam en NTGent | with the support of the Dutch Embassy and Darna