


  • 04.12 > 09.12.2023
  • 09.11 > 13.11.2023
  • 27.10 > 30.10.2023

Post/​Pandemics (P/P) is a pro­ject ini­ti­a­ted by radical_​hope (Heike Langsdorf) in 2022, with the vague aim to come to a co-cre­a­ti­on, with and by a yet unfixed group of peo­p­le, in 2024. This two year pro­cess star­ted off with a cou­ple of ques­ti­ons that got more and more diver­si­fied along the way by a slow­ly gro­wing group of participants.

What would a post’-pandemic life look like?
How do we stay and act in it?
How do we under­stand it?
And how do we read the pre­fix post’ when it comes to mis­g­overn­ment of the world and its resources?

After a first tra­jec­to­ry, Summer Refuge (August 2022 @De Markten, Brussels) Post/​Pandemics adop­ted a sea­so­nal work rhythm. Until December 2023 radi­cal-hope sets up so-cal­l­ed Refuges at various loca­ti­ons whe­re peo­p­le can meet by chan­ce’: open spa­ces for which Heike Langsdorf and Simone Basani ini­ti­a­te chan­ga­ble cir­cum­stan­ces to enga­ge in a vari­e­ty of (artis­tic) prac­ti­ces or just hang out. 

Rather than using calls for par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on, selec­ti­on pro­ces­ses, or stra­te­gies to ensu­re diver­si­ty or exclu­si­vi­ty, Post/​Pandemics pre­fers to rely on chan­ce in invi­ting peo­p­le into a pro­cess of explo­ra­ti­on: an explo­ra­ti­on of what hap­pens when we do NOT obses­si­ve­ly search for solu­ti­ons to pro­blems, achie­ve­ments, results, or umti­ma­te alter­na­ti­ves to the sta­tus quo. Freed from the pres­su­re to pro­du­ce the afo­re­men­ti­o­ned, we might find ways to live satis­fying life/​s…
The Summer- and Winter Refuge explo­red the ques­ti­on of how a group beco­mes a group, how a group meets other groups, and how the con­cept of soci­al inte­gra­ti­on is itself a high­ly ques­ti­o­na­ble one:
How can one coun­ter the assump­ti­on that the­re is such a thing as a clear-cut soci­e­ty to which the other must con­form?

The two Spring Refuges in 2023 came to ques­ti­on how (as a yet unfixed group of peo­p­le) we nego­ti­a­te the space/​s we find our­sel­ves in? Figuring this out in prac­ti­ce instead of through mere­ly the­o­re­ti­cal spe­cu­la­ti­on, an under­stan­ding of what we can mean or not mean for eacho­ther could slow­ly devel­op and lead to next ques­ti­ons:
What is the­re and always alrea­dy avai­la­ble for us? How can we hold together the things that hold us together? How do we read the tra­ces sur­roun­ding us, left by our­sel­ves or others?

During the fall, three last Refuge Intensives are orga­ni­sed in resi­d­en­cy at KWP Brussels and at radical_​house. Unlike the pre­ce­ding Public Refuges, the­se Intensives invest into a rather inti­ma­te wor­king sphe­re whe­re par­ti­ci­pants (who have found their way to the pro­ject during the last two years) can dee­pen their way of rela­ting to the mate­ri­al gene­ra­ted and the way they would like to con­tri­bu­te to the clo­su­re of the process.


pro­duc­ti­on: radical_​hope I copro­duc­ti­on: De Markten/​VGC Brussels, BUDA, KAAP, Forsiti’A, Flemish Community, Kunstenwerkplaats I ini­ti­a­ti­on, cho­re­o­gra­py, medi­a­ti­on: Heike Langsdorf I ini­ti­a­ti­on, dra­ma­tur­gy, pro­duc­ti­on: Simone Basani I assis­tan­ce, com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, medi­a­ti­on: Alice Ciresola, Liselore Vandeput I prac­ti­ti­o­ners (Spring Refuges): Amina Saadi, Johanne Mortgat Shan, Noah Geistlich, Joan Somers-Donnelly, Katya Ev, Mira Verstraeten, Laura Oriol I par­ti­ci­pants (chro­no­lo­gi­cal order): BeeBee-lal Kamilla Arnout, Charif Bendriss, Siham Swaileim, Anne-Claire Kelam Epse Masso Mika, Salwa Achabouch, Johanna Jacobs, Mira Verstraeten, Elisabeth Ida, Ivan Azazian, Bieke De Bie, Nora Bajram, Marie Louise Ruth, Dumitru, Hilde Van Geel, … Sandrien Bilterest, Joke Flo, Tomas Tytgat, Vassilios Vassileris, Soro, Michel, Miguel, Chehri, Carine De Backer, Soph, Veronica Juliana Schmalz, Giulieta Cortez