Mille et une nuits


  • 22.04 > 27.04.2024

A con­tem­po­ra­ry ope­ra for eight per­for­mers (dan­cers, sin­gers, actors and musi­cians), Mille et Une Nuits revi­sits the noti­on of night” through Scheherazade’s point of view. How can we tame the dead­ly bore­dom of repe­ti­ti­on? Mille et Une Nuits is fas­ci­na­ting not only for its trans­na­ti­o­nal, trans-tem­po­ral, mul­ti-sour­ce and ano­ny­mous ori­gins, but also for the fas­ci­na­ti­on it has arou­sed in the Western World” – and exo­ti­ci­zing – for seve­r­al cen­tu­ries right up to the pre­sent day. Scheherazade, who defers the hour of her death by inven­ting new sto­ries, is the heroi­ne many would like to be, inclu­ding a lar­ge num­ber of fem” and trans-femi­ni­ne” peo­p­le. But what is it about her that fas­ci­na­tes us?

Choregraphy, con­cep­ti­on, texts and artis­tic direc­ti­on Sorour Darabi I Performers, sin­ger, actors and live musi­cians Aimilios Arapoglou, Li-Yun Hu, Felipe Faria, Lara Chanel, Sorour Darabi, Pablo Altar, Florian Le Prisé and Ange Halliwell I Musical com­po­si­ti­on Pablo Altar, Florian Le Prisé I Vocal coach Henry Browne I Light design Shaly Lopez, Dani Paiva de Miranda I Scenography Alicia Zaton I Costumes Anousha Mohtashami I Production DEEPDAWN / Sorour Darabi I Production mana­ger and dif­fu­si­on Jenny Suarez I Administration coo­r­di­na­tor Martin Buisson I Thanks to Palmina D’Ascoli, David Lopez, Thomas Gachet I Coproduction Festival Montpellier Danse, CCN – Ballet National de Marseille, Arsenic – Centre d’art scé­ni­que con­tem­po­rain, Festival d’Automne à Paris, La Villette – Paris, Centre National de la Danse de Pantin, Tanzquartier Wien, Transfabrik – Fonds fran­co-alle­mand pour le spec­ta­cle vivant, Charleroi Danse, Theaterformen fes­ti­val. I Supported by La Manutention Palais de Tokyo, Centre National de la Danse de Pantin, Trauma Bar Und Kino, Tanzhaus Zürich, PACT Zollverein and Poetic Societies.

© Sorour Darabi