

  • 29.07 > 03.08.2024

How can we cre­a­te a world whe­re we can encoun­ter, whe­re we can be together, by shif­ting our sen­se of orien­ta­ti­on, by shif­ting our poles?

How can we trans­gress limits, how can we trans­gress bor­ders, by expan­ding our sen­so­ri­al bodies?

mapa:fragmentos’ is a modu­lar for­mat per­for­man­ce of prac­ti­ce-based move­ment sco­res, games, and texts, cre­a­ting site-spe­ci­fic sen­so­ry expe­rien­ces for audien­ce and per­for­mers.

The various frag­ments’ devel­o­ped sin­ce 2022 lean on tra­di­ti­o­nal and fol­clo­re dan­ces and ima­gery (Pericón Nacional, Tango, Gauchos, Pampa) from the Rio de La Plata regi­on whe­re both per­for­mers ori­gi­na­te from. The part­ly con­tem­pla­ti­ve, part­ly play­ful ele­ments of this work are fee­ding from a dia­lo­gue-based research method. While exchan­ging about dif­fe­rent migra­ti­on tra­jec­to­ries and nar­ra­ti­ves, mapa:fragmentos’ tries to make this com­plex sto­ries, memo­ries, and path­ways per­me­a­ble, ulti­ma­te­ly attemp­ting to open up col­lec­ti­ve ques­ti­ons about sin­gu­lar and plu­ral move­ments through the world. mapa:fragmentos’ is part of the wider research pro­ject MAPA’ star­ting in 2022. MAPA’ is a research on cross-con­ti­nen­tal nar­ra­ti­ves and forms of belon­ging.

MAPA’ has been sup­por­ted by Centro Cultural de España de Montevideo, The Green Corridor, new­po­lypho­nies vzw, kun­sten­cen­trum BUDA, Ad Lib, wpZimmer, On_​Off_​Space/​DE SINGEL, and sup­por­ted in 2024 by Kunstenwerk­plaats vzw and Workspacebrussels. 

con­cept, cre­a­ti­on, per­for­man­ce: Federico Protto (Uy/​Be) I cho­re­o­grap­hic col­la­bo­ra­tor, per­for­man­ce: Jimena Pérez Salerno (Arg/​Be)

© Anne Lugmeier