2 c anna lugmeier 2022 copy

Federico Protto

Federico Protto is a mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­na­ry artist based in Brussels.

His artis­tic work unfolds across per­for­man­ce, instal­la­ti­on, and research, whe­re diver­se prac­ti­ces con­ver­ge and intertwi­ne with his South American back­ground. At the heart of the artis­tic research lies an inte­rest with sha­ring nar­ra­ti­ves sur­roun­ding migra­ti­on, and our indi­vi­du­al and col­lec­ti­ve move­ments through the world(s). He is inte­rested in how to use the con­stant and ine­vi­ta­ble sta­te of being other’ as a form of empo­wer­ment and cre­a­ti­ve for­ce for cross-con­ti­nen­tal forms of belon­ging and loving. His work has been in touch with inter­na­ti­o­nal insti­tu­ti­ons such as DeSingel and MOMU Fashion Museum in Antwerp (BE), Red Dawns Festival in Ljubljana (LSV), Centro Cultural de España in Montevideo (UY), ModaLisboa in Lisbon (PT), Weltmuseum Wien in Vienna (AT), wpZimmer in Antwerp (BE), and kun­sten­cen­trum BUDA in Kortrijk (BE).

© Anna Lugmeier