Federico Protto
Federico Protto is a multidisciplinary artist based in Brussels.
His artistic work unfolds across performance, installation, and research, where diverse practices converge and intertwine with his South American background. At the heart of the artistic research lies an interest with sharing narratives surrounding migration, and our individual and collective movements through the world(s). He is interested in how to use the constant and inevitable state of being ‘other’ as a form of empowerment and creative force for cross-continental forms of belonging and loving. His work has been in touch with international institutions such as DeSingel and MOMU Fashion Museum in Antwerp (BE), Red Dawns Festival in Ljubljana (LSV), Centro Cultural de España in Montevideo (UY), ModaLisboa in Lisbon (PT), Weltmuseum Wien in Vienna (AT), wpZimmer in Antwerp (BE), and kunstencentrum BUDA in Kortrijk (BE).
© Anna Lugmeier