Stijn Demeulenaere tries to understand spaces, places, landscapes and ecologies by listening to them. Sometimes he records their sound. In his Latitudes he brings sounds from all over the world together, and researches how flora, fauna, people, climate and geology sound. How do they interact through trembling air. Sounds from the Tundra and the jungle. The North Sea and the Savannah, The City, the Forest and the Village. Stijn searches for structures and shapes where these very different sound hook into each other, interact with each other. How sounds generate expectations and how we can play with these expectations. Above all, Stijn builds a new ephemeral landscape from all these bits of worldly sound. A mesmerizing the length of a composition.
Currently, Latitudes contains recordings from, among others, Sweden, Finland, Gabon, Romania, France, Kenia, Indonesia, Norway, Italy, The Netherlands, Germany, the UK, Lebanon, and Belgium. Stijn uses this material to create compositions, soundscaspes and weaves them into live sets.
Stijn is a sound artist and field recordist from Belgium. His practice is centered around two questions. On the one hand Stijn researches how we give meaning to sound. On the other hand, he is fascinated by the relationship between sound and place. Latitudes is a project in continuing development. Stijn regularly records new spaces and keeps reworking the set. If there is enough time and space, Stijn also makes recordings in the cities and places where he performs, and works this material into his live sets.
In October 2017, Stijn’s first album in the framework of the Latitudes project was released on Silken Tofu: Latitudes – September 2016. He’s now working on the second album.
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Latitudes is supported by the Kunstenwerkplaats and received funding from the Flemish Community.
Recording in Iceland, pic by Richard Youell.
Recording in Iceland, pic by Richard Youell.
Recoring in Iceland, pic by Laura Weber.
Latitudes live at Atlantikwall, pic by Geert Coppens.