Getting our won­der smashed


  • 16.10 > 28.10.2023

In Getting our won­der smas­hed we explo­re dan­ce and move­ment from the per­spec­ti­ve of body poli­tics, dark vita­li­ty, cho­reo dis­ci­pli­ning (terms by André Lepeki). The idea of cho­reo dis­ci­pli­ne is that cho­re­o­grap­hy was ori­gi­nal­ly asso­ci­a­ted with a dis­ci­pli­ned body. Choreopolitics, on the other hand, are con­nec­ted with the attempt not to get rid of the body but to look for pos­si­bi­li­ties to hatch” ano­ther one that is less sub­ject to the dis­ci­pli­na­ry soci­al order. Michel Foucault on the dis­ci­pli­ned body”: How power struc­tu­res con­trol your body, how it mani­fests itself on the soma­tic level. The move­ment research of futu­re dan­ce per­for­man­ce is based on inspi­ra­ti­on from mytho­lo­gy and fol­klo­re about the invul­ne­ra­bi­li­ty of the body. Choreopolitics, body poli­tics, dark vita­li­ty and the ruins of capi­ta­lism as the pre­sen­ce of insta­bi­li­ty. Great myths about invul­ne­ra­bi­li­ty are always sto­ries about heroes who are vul­ne­ra­ble at one point. 

Team: Alina Belyagina, Anna Kozonina, Vladimir Babinchuk, Aleksandra Korniejenko, Veronika Tikhonova, Farkhad Farzali, Wiola Ujazdowska I Support: Kulturreferat München, BLZT, Seanse Art Center, KWP/​Elzenhof, Schloss Wiepersdorf 

© Dmitry Pankow