Flesh can’t can’ t not’t tis fle­sh h…



  • 04.09 > 16.09.2023

Imagine a sci-fi world sha­ped by the musi­cal gen­re of reg­gae­ton, the urban dan­ce per­reo, the lin­guis­tic expe­rien­ce of acces­sing eve­ry­day life through a limi­ted under­stan­ding of English, and the his­to­ri­cal con­nec­ti­on of Central America with the export of exo­tic fruits. 

This is the world that Flesh can’t can’ t not’t tis fle­sh h… invo­kes, a mul­ti­me­dia per­for­man­ce that mixes live music, pro­jec­ti­on of text, dan­ce and sculp­tu­re. Two burning bodies gui­de us through the lands­ca­pes of a foreign world, to explo­re the bit­ters­weet ven­tu­res of the Global South-Global North migra­ti­on, and to tra­ce part of the queer his­to­ries found in the Central American region.

Concept, per­for­man­ce and texts: Mario Barrantes Espinoza I Performance: Luis Javier Murillo Zúñiga aka La Terre’ I Artistic assis­tan­ce and texts: Theo Livesey I Dramaturgy and texts: Martín Zícari I Music and sound design: Luis Miguel Ramírez aka DJ Amapola I Light design: Ryoya Fudetani I Wax sculp­tu­res: Mona Oren I Silicone sculp­tu­res: Moran Sanderovich I Video pro­jec­ti­ons: Federico Vladimir Strate Pezdirc I Stage design: tbc I Production: Hiros I Co-pro­duc­ti­on: Kaaitheater, Toneelhuis, VIERNULVIER, DeSingel, Kunstenwerkplaats I In col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with KAAP, STUK, Kunstencentrum BUDA I With the sup­port of de Vlaamse Overheid

© Mario Barrantes Espinoza + DALL‑E