Feral Reverie/​خیال وحشی


  • 02.09 > 06.09.2024

Feral Reverie/​خیال وحشی is an expe­ri­men­tal cho­re­o­grap­hy enac­ted by two dan­cers and ten pige­ons on sta­ge. It’s about sha­king up the usu­al, step­ping into a world tha­t’s imper­fect but intri­guing. The per­for­man­ce embra­ces wild­ness and free­dom, blen­ding inten­se emo­ti­ons with a sur­re­al, dream­li­ke lands­ca­pe. It cap­tu­res the beau­ty of things fal­ling apart, explo­ring the con­tra­dic­ti­ons and unta­med beau­ty of our rea­li­ty whi­le unco­ve­ring a realm deta­ched from esta­blis­hed norms and diving into the com­plexi­ties of post­co­lo­ni­al wildness.

Concept and Choreography: Parvin Saljoughi I Dancers: Camilla Strandhagen & Parvin Saljoughi I Videographer: Ghazal Majidi I Musician: Sara Bigdeli Shamloo (Sarrsew) I Dramaturg: Alexandra Hennig I Costume Designer: J. Boy I Lighting Designer: Matthias Rieker

Photo Credit: Ghazal Majidi