Everybody Lives Here

KWP production


  • 20.02 > 25.02.2023

an explo­ra­ti­on of each other’s listening

Stand still for a moment. Sit down, per­haps. Look around you, lis­ten. Maybe it’s loud around you, may­be qui­et, may­be tho­se noti­ons don’t add up. What do you hear? Sounds come to you from eve­ry­whe­re, from all direc­ti­ons. Below the thres­hold of your con­scious­ness, a spa­ce, a pla­ce intro­du­ces itself to you. You first focus on one sound, and then you noti­ce that next to it the­re is ano­ther sound, per­haps more inte­res­ting, more intri­guing. A sound that almost pas­sed below the thres­hold of your atten­ti­on. And so you lis­ten on, jum­ping from sound to sound until you have recre­a­ted a who­le world for yourself. 

Stijn Demeulenaere and The Third Guy duo pre­sent a pro­ject whe­re field recor­dings and musi­cal instru­ments inter­act with the natu­ral sonic envi­ron­ment of a pla­ce. Through real time inter­ac­ti­on the per­for­mers cre­a­te lay­ers of sounds, all inter­ac­ting with each other, cre­a­ting a mul­ti­lay­e­red tri­a­log, bound bet­ween time line­a­ri­ty, and the spa­ce. With Everybody Lives Here we want to cre­a­te a per­for­man­ce that explo­res the sound of spa­ces. Working with the sound of a pla­ce, adding our own sounds to it, and using them to high­light the audi­to­ry iden­ti­ty of the spa­ces we will be playing in. Through an inter­ac­ti­on bet­ween the three per­for­mers and the audien­ce, we want to cre­a­te a sound envi­ron­ment that resear­ches the sonic being of pla­ces, their acous­tics, their sounds­ca­pe and the lis­te­ning of the audien­ce and our­sel­ves. The per­for­man­ce will be ide­al­ly sui­ted for in situ per­for­man­ces, but will also work on sta­ge, in con­cert halls or other buildings.

Makers: Stijn Demeulenaere, Ruben Orio & Primož Sukič | Production: Kunstenwerk­plaats | co-pro­duc­ti­on: C‑Takt, Musica & Wilde Westen | With the help of: De Grote Post, SMOG, Zavod Sploh & SKICA Berlin | Supported by: The Flemish Community & The Flemish Community Commission of the Brussels Capital Region