
  • 09.01 > 13.01.2023

Dressing up is a para­doxi­cal dai­ly gestu­re: depen­ding on the indi­vi­du­al, it aims to assi­mi­la­te into a soci­al group as much as to dis­tin­guish one­self from it. The cos­tu­me is a medi­um that allows one to mer­ge with, or even camou­fla­ge one­self in the mass, and at the same time to indi­vi­du­a­li­se: two ways of pre­sen­ting one­self to others, which are based on the issue of col­lec­ti­ve belon­ging. DRESSING sta­ges three bodies that will use clothing and acces­so­ries to appear dif­fe­rent­ly, to dis­tin­guish them­sel­ves from others and from the set­ting. The cos­tu­me will also be a cho­re­o­grap­hic sco­re, in its capa­ci­ty to pro­po­se a rene­wed way of moving, of expres­sing one­self, of per­for­ming. Silhouettes will be con­struc­ted and decon­struc­ted, allo­wing cre­a­tu­res in con­stant meta­morp­ho­sis to appear befo­re our eyes, in turn fami­liar or monstrous.