Darius Dolatyari-Dolatdoust
Born in Chambéry ( France) in 1994, from a Franco-German-Polish mother and a Franco-Persian father, Darius is an artist, performer, choreographer and designer. He lives and works between Brussels and Marseille.
After studying Fashion Design at the Duperré school, Graphic Design at the Estienne school in Paris, sculpture at La Cambre, he finally studied dance, performance and choreography within the Institute of Choreographic Arts — (ISAC) in the Royal Academy of Fine Arts.
Through all these years of study, he developed a research on the body in movement : Garnement as an envelope, where the costume in its essence produces choreography. In his work, he highlights the performative and inherent potentiality of the costume, its intrinsic capacity to offer the performer a way to reshape it, to re-move it, to re-invent it. The costume produces its own movements by reorganizing the space of the bodies, thus defining a new framework for experimentation.
Wearing Darius’s costumes would be like interacting with history, big or small. Dancing in the past, a real metamorphosis.
As a Visual Artist is main medium is textile, which he use to make patchworks, paintings, costumes and scenographies. For him working with textile is a way to transform all is drawings in a melt and liquid materiality.
His patchworks are like stories, trying to catch a moment of movement, often between fighting and loving, between violence and love. Bodies are melting in which other, be- coming shape of colors inside the patchwork. These textile works are also used for setting up installations, activated by site-specific performances.
He has designed the costumes for the latest creations of Pau Simon (La grande remontée), Liam Warren (Merge), Grégoire Schaller (Ekkrino, Whip) and the set design for the latest creations of Pau Simon (La grande remontée), and Renaud Dallet (Voir, toucher, s’aimer fort)
He has presented his performance work in European institutions: Stedelijk Museum, Mudam, Centrale Fies, Spazio K, M Leuven, Stuk, Buda Kunstencentrum, Atelier 210, Momu, Villa noailles, Weils…
Since 2021 he has created his company DDDMM with Maureen Béguin-Morin (performer, dramaturge and stage designer).