Dark Habits — onderzoek

KWP production


  • 12.08 > 16.08.2024
  • 08.04 > 20.04.2024
  • 13.09.2024

In his research Dark Habits, Simon Van Schuylenbergh explo­res his fas­ci­na­ti­on with the moral­ly ambi­guous, the impos­si­bi­li­ty of being pure in a moral sen­se. His inspi­ra­ti­on starts from the nun, as descri­bed in Pedro Almodovar’s comic film Dark Habits’ (1983). Not so much the film’s sto­ry­li­ne, but espe­ci­al­ly the nuns’ dark habits spar­ked his imagination.

During his research, Simon orga­ni­ses a num­ber of hap­pe­nings, whe­re, together with other artists from the Ne mosqui­to pas net­work, he puts on five short group per­for­man­ces each time. In the­se per­for­man­ces, they address this uns­po­ken mora­li­ty. By per­ver­ting con­ser­va­ti­ve valu­es, they open a grey zone in which our own valu­es can be rethought.

Another refe­ren­ce is The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’, a group of queer acti­vists who held cere­mo­nies in home­ma­de nun cos­tu­mes in the 1980s. In res­pon­se to the stig­ma­ti­sa­ti­on of gay men infec­ted with AIDS, whom no one dared touch any­mo­re, they decla­red the­se men sacred. Through the­se cano­ni­sed charac­ters, they trans­for­med the idea of the puri­ty’ of the Catholic faith into an anti-nor­ma­ti­ve universe.

Concept & direc­ti­on: Simon Van Schuylenbergh I Performance: Hanako Hayakawa, Rosie Sommers, Castélie Yalombo Lilonge, Désirée Cerocien & Simon Van Schuylenbergh I Artistic devel­op­ment & research: Lydia McGlinchey & Désirée Cerocien I Scenography: Veronika Bezdenezhnykh I Light design: Max Adams I Production: Kunstenwerkplaats I With the sup­port of Decoratelier, Volksroom, Buda, Gouvernement, CAMPO, De Brakke Grond, Atelier 210, Elsemieke Scholte, Simon Baetens, VGC & Flemish Government.

(foto­cre­dit: Maryan Sayd)