Cry Me a River — The quest for the source


An expe­di­ti­on to the sour­ce of the Styx has taken Karen Røise Kielland and Katja Dreyer to the heart of Greek mytho­lo­gy. This mythi­cal river was thought to be the bor­der bet­ween our upper world and the under­world. The water made Achilles immor­tal, made Narcissus fall in love with his own reflec­ti­on, and mere mor­tals lose their memo­ry if they drink from it. Through ima­ges, objects, move­ment and sto­ries, they recon­struct their extra­or­di­na­ry jour­ney. They bre­a­the new life into an old myth through numerous encoun­ters with local resi­dents and their sto­ries about the river. The per­for­man­ce begins with mul­ti­pli­ci­ty and cha­os, but the clo­ser to the sour­ce, the more order and mono­chro­me silen­ce begin to surface.

idea, direc­ti­on and per­for­man­ce Karen Røise Kielland & Katja Dreyer | dra­ma­tur­ge Marit Grimstad Eggen | sce­no­grap­hy Ole Martin Lund Bø | com­po­si­ti­on & music Jessica Sligter | ligh­ting design Ingeborg Staxrud Olerud | spe­ach­coach Isabelle Barth | co-pro­duc­ti­on Buda, KWP Kunstenwerkplaats, Black Box tea­ter | sup­port Norsk Kulturråd, the Flemish Community, The Flemish Community Commission, Fond for Utøvende kunst­ne­re, Norsk Fond for Lyd og Bilde, Performing Arts Hub Norway | thanks to Linda Theodoru, Danae Theodoridou, Dimitris Anagnostopoulos, Anastasia Efstathiou, Willem De Wolf, The Norwegian Institute, Athens Panayotis and his mother, kun­sten­cen­trum Nona, Kaaitheater, PACT Zollverein