
Katja Dreyer

Katja Dreyer was born in Berlin in 1974, she stu­died dra­ma (direc­ting and acting) in the Netherlands and has lived in Brussels sin­ce 2004. In her own work she tries to shed light on his­to­ry and its con­se­quen­ces by zoo­m­ing in on the per­so­nal lives of ordi­na­ry peo­p­le. She has writ­ten and pro­du­ced seve­r­al ori­gi­nal plays inclu­ding Cry me A river. The Quest for the Source., made together with Norwegian artist Karen Røise Kielland, Ophelia Comes to Brooklyn, Kroniec and Überflieger. As a per­for­mer she has wor­ked for many artists and cho­re­o­grap­hers such as Mette Ingvartsen, Mette Edvardsen, Miet Warlop, Ivana Müller, David Weber-Krebs and Superamas, among others. She is a resi­dent artist at KW Pianofabriekin Brussels and has regu­lar­ly wor­ked at the Buda stu­dios in Kortrijk (e.g. with Ingvartsen or Warlop, or for her own per­for­man­ces). For Ophelia comes to Brooklyn, Katja wor­ked with per­for­mers Davis Freeman and Dolores Hulan.