Again The Sunset

KWP production


  • 16.09 > 22.09.2019

Again The Sunset is whe­re iden­ti­ty is mul­ti­plied over and over again by what it tou­ches. It moves. It is a song, a speech and a sto­ry… It is a hard rock made hard when you hold it. It is qui­et. And then it gets so loud. The form of a love song and it’s con­cept is stret­ched to a phy­si­cal and visu­al unfol­ding of events. A dan­ce appe­ars. It’s iden­ti­ty melts with what it touches.The inse­pa­ra­bi­li­ty of the body and voi­ce are high­ligh­ted as much as the inse­pa­ra­bi­li­ty of sound and mate­ri­a­li­ty, whe­re a body knows no limits; knows not the dif­fe­ren­ce bet­ween itself and what it tou­ches, knows not (but won­ders) about the dif­fe­ren­ce bet­ween what is a pro­duct of his­to­ri­cal repro­duc­ti­on and what of it is authen­tic or unique.

Again The Sunset is cre­a­ted by Inga Hákonardóttir in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Yann Leguay. It con­tem­pla­tes inti­ma­te rea­li­ties and their para­doxes, high­ligh­ting the inse­pa­ra­bi­li­ty of things; how eve­ry­thing is con­nec­ted in some­ti­mes unex­pec­ted ways. 

Concept cho­re­o­grap­hy and per­for­man­ce: Inga Huld Hákonardóttir | Musical com­po­si­ti­on and per­for­man­ce: Yann Leguay | Scenography: Inga Hákonardóttir and Yann Leguay | Light design: Gregory Rivoux | Artistic advi­ce: Gaëtan Rusquet | Special thanks to: Lucille Calmel, Sandy Williams, Mette Edvardsen, Rósa Ómarsdóttir, Théophile Gay-Mazas, Aymeric de Tapol, Zakaria Almutlak, Clive Mitchell | Executive pro­duc­ti­on: Kosmonaut | Tour mana­ge­ment: KWP Kunstenwerkplaats | Co-pro­duc­ti­on: DeSingel, MDT Stockholm, KWP Kunstenwerkplaats | With the sup­port of: CAMPO, wpZimmer, STUK | Photography: Stanislav Dôbak