Again The Sunset
- 16.09 > 22.09.2019
Again The Sunset is where identity is multiplied over and over again by what it touches. It moves. It is a song, a speech and a story… It is a hard rock made hard when you hold it. It is quiet. And then it gets so loud. The form of a love song and it’s concept is stretched to a physical and visual unfolding of events. A dance appears. It’s identity melts with what it touches.The inseparability of the body and voice are highlighted as much as the inseparability of sound and materiality, where a body knows no limits; knows not the difference between itself and what it touches, knows not (but wonders) about the difference between what is a product of historical reproduction and what of it is authentic or unique.
Again The Sunset is created by Inga Hákonardóttir in collaboration with Yann Leguay. It contemplates intimate realities and their paradoxes, highlighting the inseparability of things; how everything is connected in sometimes unexpected ways.
Concept choreography and performance: Inga Huld Hákonardóttir | Musical composition and performance: Yann Leguay | Scenography: Inga Hákonardóttir and Yann Leguay | Light design: Gregory Rivoux | Artistic advice: Gaëtan Rusquet | Special thanks to: Lucille Calmel, Sandy Williams, Mette Edvardsen, Rósa Ómarsdóttir, Théophile Gay-Mazas, Aymeric de Tapol, Zakaria Almutlak, Clive Mitchell | Executive production: Kosmonaut | Tour management: KWP Kunstenwerkplaats | Co-production: DeSingel, MDT Stockholm, KWP Kunstenwerkplaats | With the support of: CAMPO, wpZimmer, STUK | Photography: Stanislav Dôbak