A Small World


  • 19.08 > 06.09.2024

A small world is a cele­bra­ti­on, a ritu­al for con­nec­ti­on in which dan­cing bodies seek an inti­ma­te dia­lo­gue with the live music, mixing spec­ta­cle with par­ti­ci­pa­to­ry per­for­man­ce. The group, con­sis­ting of 3 dan­cers and 3 musi­cians asks the time­less ques­ti­on of how peo­p­le come together, use music and dan­ce to bond in a group and find plea­su­re together.

In this work, Dans Kapot looks at the rem­nants of archaic forms of com­mu­nal­ly dan­ced ritu­als, both in our con­tem­po­ra­ry and tra­di­ti­o­nal cul­tu­res, and in our bodies. As a result, they recon­struct ecsta­tic acts and turn them into a per­for­man­ce in which ele­ments of jazz music, con­tem­po­ra­ry dan­ce, tran­ce ritu­als and street dan­ce form a hybrid show that trans­cends exis­ting forms lin­ked to spe­ci­fic socio-poli­ti­cal set­tings, ope­ning up a spa­ce whe­re eve­ry­o­ne is welcome.

The result is a high­ly ener­ge­tic per­for­man­ce in which powerful dan­ce and music are pai­red with gent­le inter­ac­ti­on with the audien­ce, who are invi­ted to break the boun­da­ries of the fourth wall and join the per­for­mers’ spa­ce, expe­rien­cing together, for­ming a small world together.

Direction/​Choreography: Alexandros Anastasiadis, Margherita Dello Sbarba I Creation and per­for­man­ce: Kit King, Margherita Dello Sbarba, Alexandros Anastasiadis, Viktor Perdieus, Jakob Warmenbol, Giotis Damianidis I Music: Don Kapot I Dramaturgy: Greet Van Poeck I Costume design: Dolça Mayol I Light design: Ryoya Fudetani I Stage tech­ni­ci­an: Max Maes I Management: Michael Wolteche — Enthusiast Music I Project Coordinator: Alexandros Anastasiadis I Distribution: Daan Agency I This pie­ce is co-pro­du­ced through the 30 year anni­vers­a­ry pro­gram of Jazzlab and WERF records, along with: Kunstencentrum NONA, Kunstencentrum KAAP I With the help of CC De Factorij, Ultima Vez/​Wim Vandekeybus and the sup­port of the Kunstendecreet of the Flemish Ministry for the Arts, Youth and Media 

© Gert Vandepoele