Schermafbeelding 2024 08 30 om 14 11 54

Alexandros 'El Greco' Anastasiadis / Dans Kapot

Alexandros (he/​him) is a dan­ce artist rai­sed in Greece. Since gra­du­a­ting from the Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance in 2017, he has been living in Brussels and wor­king as a per­for­mer and dan­ce maker. He is inte­rested in the body as the pla­ce whe­re com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on hap­pens, whe­re, play­ful­ly, we can renew soci­al rela­ti­ons. In his look for dia­lo­gue he is enga­ging in inter­dis­ci­pli­na­ry col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons learning and adap­ting methods and tools from other art forms into the dan­cing as well as chal­len­ging the clas­si­cal sta­ge for­mat to esta­blish direct con­tact bet­ween per­for­mers and audience.

He has been cre­a­ting within col­lec­ti­ve struc­tu­res (La Otra Familia) and has been wor­king with Jazz and Improv musi­cians, making impro­vi­sed shows, research ses­si­ons and jams, with an artis­tic com­mu­ni­ty outreach.

Over the last year he cre­a­ted the group Dans Kapot (along with the band Don Kapot), which made a series of com­mu­ni­ty and inter­ac­ti­ve per­for­man­ces. The pro­ject is now hea­ding towards a full sca­le pro­duc­ti­on with the sup­port of Jazzlab and Kaap. His cur­rent solo work the fall in bet­ween” is sup­por­ted by RADAR Mechelen, CC De Faktorij and CC De Spil.

As a per­for­mer he has par­ti­ci­pa­ted in five pro­duc­ti­ons of the com­pa­ny Ultima Vez and has also wor­ked for Alexandrer Vantournhout and Julyen Hamilton.

He was invi­ted to direct dan­ce pie­ces for edu­ca­ti­o­nal pro­gram­mes (State Dance school of Thessaloniki, Greece, Fre3 Bodies in Barcelona, Spain) and wor­ked as an artis­tic coach for dan­ce cre­a­ti­ons. He tea­ches dan­ce both through pro­fes­si­o­nal work­shops in edu­ca­ti­o­nal plat­forms and fes­ti­vals across Europe and also through clas­ses for child­ren and com­mu­ni­ties i.e. for the Atelier Kids of Ultima Vez and for Platform K.

Dans Kapot was born in 2020 through the mee­ting of Giotis Damianidis, a mem­ber of Don Kapot, and Alexandros Anastasiadis. A cou­ple of stu­dio ses­si­ons quick­ly led to a series of street per­for­man­ces in Brussels, then to buil­ding a team with the enti­re band (fea­tu­ring Viktor Perdieus and Jacob Warmenbol) and a group of dan­cers into fil­ming their video clip for Whononogono” and then to their first public appe­a­ran­ce under the name Dans Kapot during the fes­ti­val Dansand in Ostend in July 2021.

Feeling exci­ted about the poten­ti­al of the group, their atten­ti­on tur­ned towards live events with a par­ti­ci­pa­to­ry charac­ter, whe­re per­for­ming and audien­ce spa­ces are intertwi­ned. Thus, in the sum­mer of 2022 the group wor­ked in a soci­al set­ting, brin­ging live per­for­man­ces in the streets of Brussels, in artis­tic squats and in schools.

After this series of events, Sofia Kakouri, Kit King and Margherita Dello Sbarba beca­me full-time mem­bers of the group and it was clear that eve­ry­o­ne was eager to dive dee­per into an exten­si­ve research and cre­a­ti­on pro­cess, which would allow them to fur­ther explo­re the pos­si­bi­li­ties their medi­um can pro­vi­de. Their pro­ject was selec­ted to be sup­por­ted by Jazzlab and the label WERF Records within their pro­gram to sup­port inter­dis­ci­pli­na­ry work, which ini­ti­a­ted their first com­ple­te pro­duc­ti­on process

© Gert Vandepoele