A crock of bull at the crack of dawn

KWP production


  • 13.03 > 18.03.2023
  • 20.02 > 28.02.2023

In order to con­trol life we try to name it, in order to con­trol death we per­form it.

In A crock of bull at the crack of dawn, play­wright, per­for­mer and desig­ner Rachid Laachir explo­res meta­morp­ho­ses. Using body, voi­ce, cos­tu­mes and other objects, he cre­a­tes charac­ters at the inter­sec­ti­on of the natu­ral, the human, the magi­cal and the mystical. 

A crock of bull at the crack of dawn is a revue of small and lar­ge emo­ti­ons. Each sce­ne is an act of love or vio­len­ce, an act of ego or god, an act of life or death, an act of impor­tan­ce, an act of boredom. 

Through a col­la­ge of acts, he sear­ches for a uni­ver­sal lan­gu­a­ge, away from rea­son, towards mad­ness. He employs the lan­gu­a­ge of move­ment and of objects that speak. The ima­ge breaks down and builds up, the light breaks on the floor and illu­mi­na­tes what breaks.

By & with: Rachid Laachir I Music: Stef Heeren I Light: Emese Csornai I Execution decor: Laurens Deurinck I Technician: Amber Van Rooijen I Out­si­de eye: Aurelie Di Marino & Amelia Malfait I Trailer: Beeldstorm (Jan Bosteels) I Production: Kunstenwerk­plaats KWP I Co-pro­duc­ti­on: CAMPO, d e t h e a t e r m a k e r & KAAP I Residencies: KAAP, BUDA I With the sup­port of De Brakke Grond, Monty, het­pa­leis & GC De Kriekelaar I With the finan­ci­al sup­port of The Flemish Community I Thanks to WIPCOOP, Le Bamp and De Grote Post