Scores as struc­tu­res — Folklore as lands­ca­pe (Research title)


  • 27.06 > 02.07.2022

A stu­dy on how to cre­a­te and embra­ce the con­trast bet­ween the mecha­ni­cal, une­mo­ti­o­nal, tech­ni­cal body pro­du­ced by the Movement Notation Score Seaweed’ by Tirza Sapir and an over­a­bun­dant lands­ca­pe of tex­ti­les, flo­wers, and other nos­tal­gic sou­ve­nirs abstrac­ted from Latinamerican cul­tu­ral car­riers — to obser­ve the noti­ons of mul­ti­pli­ci­ty in aes­the­tic satu­ra­ti­on and sce­nic design.