Estefania y Luisa

Estefanía Álvarez Ramírez and Luisa Fernanda Alfonso

Estefanía Álvarez Ramírez and Luisa Fernanda Alfonso are 2 Colombian artists, from Medellín and Bogotá res­pec­ti­ve­ly, that finis­hed their dan­ce stu­dies together at the Folkwang University of the Arts in 2019. Since 2016 they have been cre­a­ting works together such as Cumbia para dos, Composición No. 22, A stu­dy of swim­s­uits, rain­coats and rub­ber- soled shoes, Der größe Hit des Divos, A per­for­man­ce and Some duets with alte­ra­ti­ons. As clo­sest friends they appro­ach dan­ce and per­for­man­ce with a humo­rous capri­cious­ness, urg­en­cy to inves­ti­ga­te their latin-ame­ri­can­ness and love for sin­ging to each other and being together. 

Our past work has been charac­te­ri­sed by being struc­tu­red with spa­ti­al and com­po­si­ti­o­nal metho­do­lo­gies that rely on our capa­ci­ty for abstrac­ti­on and our neu­tra­li­ty as per­for­mers. We deci­de to stu­dy a sys­tem, a mate­ri­al, a rhythm, an artist, a gen­re, an emo­ti­on and we assem­ble and col­la­ge the ele­ments we find in our stu­dy in a very prag­ma­tic way. We real­ly trust each other’s eye. The result, most of the time, is per­fec­ti­on in exe­cu­ti­on, a visu­al com­po­si­ti­on of bodies as forms, posi­ti­ons and rela­ti­ons in spa­ce, a mathe­ma­ti­cal, sur­gi­cal lands­ca­ping.