
Alban Ovanesian

Alban Ovanessian (he.him/they.them), born into a Franco-Armenian fami­ly, wor­ked on film sets at a very young age whe­re he.they was.were invi­ted to learn about visu­al arts through set design and cos­tu­me design. Arrived in Paris in 2011, he.they beca­me assis­tant to Charlotte Collet, edi­tor-in-chief of DOUBLE maga­zi­ne, and col­la­bo­ra­ted with various fas­hi­on houses.

In 2012, he.they joi­ned the Studio Harmonic and beca­me appren­ti­ce of Corinne Lanselle and joins in 2016 the Cycle Training” of the insti­tu­te of per­for­ma­ti­ve arts P.A.R.T.S in Brussels whe­re he.they per­for­med pie­ces from Rosas (Vortex, Rosas danst Rosas, Drumming), Trisha Brown (Set and Reset, Early works), William Forsythe (Sider) and Boris Charmatz (10 000 gestu­res) among others.

In 2019, Alban OVANESSIAN per­for­med in the cre­a­ti­on Somnia” by Anne Teresa and Jolente de Keersmaeker in co-pro­duc­ti­on with the Kaaitheater and the Kustenfestivaldesarts; after gra­du­a­ting from the insti­tu­ti­on, he.they devo­t­ed him.themself to his.their own creations.

He.they pre­sen­ted at the P.A.R.T.S GXII Festival the video-instal­la­ti­on « COMING in out » that will be also broad­cast for the Queer Art Festival in Brussels, and the light-sound instal­la­ti­on « ».

In 2020, Alban OVANESSIAN joi­ned the cast of the Company Norrdans in Sweden for two con­se­cu­ti­ve years whe­re he.they per­for­med pieces/​performances by Nicole Beutler, Martin Forsberg, Ludvig Daae, Ioannis Mandafounis, Stina Nyberg.

In 2020, Alban Ovanessian is com­mis­si­o­ned to cre­a­te a group’s pie­ce for a video shoot for Norrdans based on his.their research « in.through.WATER », and in 2021, he.they is.are com­mis­si­o­ned to cre­a­te the duet « rosa.svart.station » with Rebecka Berchtold that tour­ed for a sea­son in who­le Sweden.