Schermafbeelding 2024 07 10 om 10 43 09

Christina Clar warmly invites you to her try-outs this week!


Christina Clar is in the midst of her resi­d­en­cy at Kunstenwerkplaats wor­king on her new pro­ject The rea­son we sway and invi­tes you to three showings the­se upco­ming days!

Christina explo­res trans­la­ti­ons into sounds and gestu­res of emo­ti­o­nal, sen­so­ri­al and men­tal sta­tes expe­rien­ced by per­sons with men­tal imba­lan­ces like the autism spec­trum, but also of the ani­mal and vege­tal world. how might com­plex con­ver­sa­ti­ons of spe­cies and who­le eco­sys­tems sound like? is it pos­si­ble to come clo­ser to a dif­fe­rent way of per­cei­ving? what does a bird hear? can a tree sen­se a con­nec­ti­on to sur­roun­ding plants through their roots? how to connect?

Friday 12.07 — 16:00
Thursday 18.07 — 16:00
Friday 19.07 — 14:00

All try-outs take pla­ce at Kunstenwerkplaats in Pianofabriek (Elsenor).
Fortstraat 35, 1060 Sint-Gillis.