WELCOME: OPEN REHEARSAL - Raphael Philipe Damasceno


Raphael Philipe Damasceno wel­co­mes you to an open rehear­sal of his new pro­ject ‘- the road, again’. 

Through this ongo­ing pro­ject Raphael aims at cre­a­ting spa­ces for citi­zens to come together and start an embo­died exchan­ge around deco­lo­ni­al lite­ra­tu­re — both as per­for­man­ces and/​or open work­shops, tables of dis­cus­si­ons and rea­ding groups. 

The rehear­sal will be in English and lasts around 30 minu­tes. Everyone is wel­co­me to join the talk afterwards! 


Friday july 14th, 16:00


KWP, Pianofabriek

Fortstraat 35, 1060 Sint-Gillis

See you!