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Sophia Rodriguez in Smells like Peaches


The Canadian musi­cian, pro­du­cer, direc­tor, visu­al artist, and per­for­man­ce artist Peaches lands in Belgium with her powerful songs and queer ener­gy. Designed together with local cir­cus and per­for­man­ce artists — Joshua Serafin, Luke Horley, Valentina Toth, Mario Barrantes Espinoza, Laura Murphy, Suzon Gheur, Amaury Vanderborght, Sophia Rodriguez & Electra- Smells like Peaches is a uni­que pro­ject, a mix of music, per­for­man­ce, cir­cus and queer acts.

More info on the web­si­te of Voo?uit.