Plateforme 2023 c Anne van der Pot 02

Reflection day during It Takes a City at Kunstenwerkplaats / Pianofabriek


Value and Judgement: (Invisible) Operating Systems Within the Performing Arts

17 February — 14:00
Kunstenwerkplaats / Pianofabriek

What are the voi­ces, nar­ra­ti­ves, bodies that are pro­gram­med or still exclu­ded today — in Belgium as much as the neigh­bou­ring coun­tries?

In spi­te of a gro­wing con­scious­ness around inclu­si­on and diver­si­ty, deci­si­ons in the per­for­ming arts are often still root­ed in a Eurocentric value sys­tem and per­spec­ti­ve. This con­cerns not only the way our field ope­ra­tes day to day, but also the choi­ces within artis­tic pro­gram­ming, artis­tic prac­ti­ces or finan­ci­al sup­port. With gro­wing far-right & con­ser­va­ti­ve poli­tics and the direct impact it enfor­ces on our sec­tor, not only who we choo­se, but also how we come to tho­se choi­ces is extre­me­ly rele­vant.

In this deba­te, we will look dee­per into sha­red owner­ship of artis­tic pro­grams within insti­tu­ti­ons and fes­ti­vals and address the invi­si­ble bar­riers of gate­kee­ping and assi­mi­la­ti­on. A dis­mant­ling of the rea­li­ty of free” choi­ce-making and who still has(owns) this pos­si­bi­li­ty

Presented Kunstenpunt / Flanders Arts insti­tu­te as part of It Takes a City!

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