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Mindblowers 2023: Power invites Roel Heremans!


Tonight 12 October, trans­dis­ci­pli­na­ry artist Roel Heremans will per­form at Mindblowers 2023: Power, a col­la­bo­ra­ti­on bet­ween KVS and VUB. Starting from the idea that sci­en­tists and artists are the visi­o­na­ries of soci­e­ty, KVS and VUB cre­a­ted this pro­ject to give the­se voi­ces a sta­ge.

In the con­text of his work The NeuroRight Arcades, Roel Heremans is invi­ted to talk this eve­ning about the power one might have over our brains in the near futu­re. The retro game con­so­les will also be on dis­play and in use at KVS for a month. With The NeuroRight Arcades, he points out the dangers that the batt­le for our minds repre­sents for human inte­gri­ty.

More info on the full pro­gram­me via Mindblowers 2023: Power..

Read more via the arti­cle in Bruzz!