Mindblowers 2023: Power invites Roel Heremans!
Tonight 12 October, transdisciplinary artist Roel Heremans will perform at Mindblowers 2023: Power, a collaboration between KVS and VUB. Starting from the idea that scientists and artists are the visionaries of society, KVS and VUB created this project to give these voices a stage.
In the context of his work The NeuroRight Arcades, Roel Heremans is invited to talk this evening about the power one might have over our brains in the near future. The retro game consoles will also be on display and in use at KVS for a month. With The NeuroRight Arcades, he points out the dangers that the battle for our minds represents for human integrity.
More info on the full programme via Mindblowers 2023: Power..
Read more via the article in Bruzz!