DEMO Nstratio Milo Slayers promobeeld

Premiere of DEMONstratio!


Tomorrow the 31st of March, Milø Slayers’ high­ly anti­ci­pa­ted per­for­man­ce pre­mie­res at the Legs Festival at La Raffinerie, pre­sen­ted by Charleroi dan­se and Kaaitheater.

For his per­for­man­ce, Milø was inspi­red by the recent­ly dis­co­ver­ed racist inscrip­ti­on on Kasimir Malevich’s famous pain­ting Black Square (1915). Milø addres­ses the ten­si­on that even the most abstract art can never be free of poli­tics. Within the clean lines of a per­fect­ly lit squa­re, he and his three per­for­mers seek an incan­ta­to­ry coun­ter­weight in the sub­con­scious power of voi­ce and move­ment. Light and dark, rea­son and fee­ling, cer­tain­ty and uncer­tain­ty: sharp bina­ry oppo­si­tes are the­re to trans­cend them.

Right after the show, we will dan­se into the night at the Crazy Legs par­ty, whe­re Milø has been given car­te blan­che for an expe­ri­men­tal and whim­si­cal evening…