Schermafbeelding 2023 04 24 om 11 27 59

Visitors program Plat(e)form(e) during Kunstenfestivaldesarts


16.05 — 18.05
At mul­ti­ple loca­ti­ons
16.05 at KWP

International pro­gram­mers dis­co­ver the uni­que per­for­ming arts sce­ne of Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels. An ini­ti­a­ti­ve of Kunstenpunt/​Flanders Arts Institute, Wallonie-Bruxelles Théâtre Danse (WBTD) and Kunstenfestivaldesarts, in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with seve­r­al part­ners from the Brussels per­for­ming arts scene. 

Plat(e)form(e) was born from a desi­re to sup­port and high­light the local per­for­ming arts sce­ne. By dra­wing on the pre­sen­ce of inter­na­ti­o­nal pro­fes­si­o­nals we hope to pro­mo­te new net­works and las­ting exchanges.

Plat(e)form(e) pre­sents per­for­man­ces, works in pro­gress and pit­ches by artists. Through dis­cus­si­ons and feed­back ses­si­ons, we want to open a tem­po­ra­ry spa­ce for mutu­al learning and reflec­ti­on on what it means to cre­a­te and pre­sent (inter)nationally today.

On 16.05 Plat(e)form(e) will take pla­ce here at KWP (Pianofabriek), showing five per­for­man­ces for an audien­ce of pro­fes­si­o­nals. Take a look at the web­si­te of Kunstenpunt for more info on the program.