Thumbnail Accompany Class Brussels 1

Accompany Class (morning training)


Accompany Class is a mor­ning trai­ning offe­red for the free­lan­ce dan­ce com­mu­ni­ty in Brussels, bet­ween
30th of Jan until 3rd of March 2023. This round of trai­ning is a pilot pro­po­sal of this sys­tem.

We are a group of free­lan­ce dan­ce artists coming together to do this thing cal­l­ed mor­ning class’. We are not qui­te sure what this is any­mo­re… We no lon­ger work through com­pa­nies and we no lon­ger have a clear idea of what to train. From this pla­ce of not kno­wing, we have come together and orga­ni­zed a rota­ti­o­nal-sys­tem in which we will all faci­li­ta­te class/​training’ for and with each other.

As the spa­ce was dona­ted to us for this pilot pro­po­sal, atten­dan­ce is free of char­ge. Registration is recom­men­ded and appre­ci­a­ted but not neces­sa­ry. Help us to keep track of the amount of par­ti­ci­pants by sen­ding an email to accompanyclass@​gmail.​com

When: 20.02.2023 — 24.02.2023 from 10am ‑12am

Where: Gemeenschapscentrum Pianofabriek vzw
Fortstraat 35
1060 Sint-Gillis