
Nathan Ooms

Nathan Ooms (1996) is a per­for­mer, the­a­tre and dan­ce maker. He obtai­ned his bache­lor (2018) and mas­ter (2019) degree in Drama at KASK School of Arts, Ghent. During the­se stu­dies he did an Erasmus exchan­ge at the Academy for Theatre and Dance in Amsterdam, and an internship with cho­re­o­grap­her Ula Sickle whe­re he wor­ked on the per­for­man­ce Relay (2018). In 2019 he enrol­led in the mas­ter pro­gram in cho­re­o­grap­hy STUDIOS at P.A.R.T.S. in Brussels, whe­re he gra­du­a­ted in 2021 with the per­for­man­ce The Honey House.

Together with Anna Franziska Jäger, he cre­a­ted the per­for­man­ces Bartlebabe (2021), Some Things Last A Long Time (2019) and As a mat­ter of fic­ti­on (2018). In 2021 they pre­sen­ted the per­for­ma­ti­ve instal­la­ti­on Out of Office at the exhi­bi­ti­on EXTRACTIONS by Kris Verdonck/​A Two Dogs Company. In 2023 Ambient Theatre Fury, pre­mie­red at CAMPO in Ghent.

In 2019, Nathan was one of the ini­ti­a­ting artists of Ne mosqui­to pas, a per­for­man­ce plat­form invi­ting artists to cre­a­te short solo per­for­man­ces star­ting from their bad tas­te, dele­ted sce­nes and worst ide­as. As a per­for­mer, Nathan has col­la­bo­ra­ted with cho­re­o­grap­her Marc Vanrunxt for the pie­ce Drawings (2019) and the dan­ce film Adagio (2021), a col­la­bo­ra­ti­on bet­ween Vanrunxt and visu­al artist Stef Van Looveren. He also dan­ced in the work FERAL (2021) by Lydia McGlinchey.

© Richard Agyemang (Freedom Photography)